climate change

just started my journal, and have been looking at other people's blogs etc, found one blog with a link to the Blog action on climate change, felt inspired that so many people had signed up to it.
Lets hope
here's some useful links

14 June 2010

the faerie tea party

a quick but fun drawing to do, started off with a tea splosh on the page,
and then spent ages waiting for it to dry. As it dried slowly noticed a party scene developing, just drew the outlines and added some colour.
Looks great fun, hope to add more soon.


  1. Nice colors and effects! =) A very outstanding page this is

  2. hey thanks, it all started with a tea splosh aswell,
    but it was good fun

  3. Looks great - very imaginative. Reading the tea-stains instead of the tea-leaves is much more fun!
